Lighting an LED with PWM

/*  Fading LED in a loop, speed set with a potentiometer.
*  This test involves A/D conversion and PWM

int ledPin = 6;     // LED connected to D6 (pin #9)
int analogPin = 1;  // Potentiometer connected to A1 (pin #20)
int pot;            // Value read from potentiometer

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // sets the pin as output
  pot = analogRead(analogPin);  // read the analog input pin on startup.

void loop() {  
   *   Fading LED back and forth continuously
  int i=0, maxval = 255;

  /** Scale **/
  int wait = pot / 4;

  /** Fade Up **/
  for(i=0;i < maxval; i++){
     analogWrite(ledPin, i);

  /** Fade down **/
  for(i=maxval ; i>0; i--){
    analogWrite(ledPin, i);

Notes and findings

First argument in functions analogRead() and analogWrite() is the number in the pin name , not the chip pin number. For example, for pin D6 (chip pin #9) we must use:

    analogWrite(6, value); // 6 for D6, not 9 for pin#9...

The function analogWrite() will accept values greater than 255 but the result will not be as expected. So always make sure second argument will not exceed 255.