What kind of computer is this?

A very simple one. It may recall the DEC PDP-11 or some other mini from the early 1970's but Heritage/1 will be a lot simpler than that and it won't use ferrite core memory!

Basically it will be a sequential 16-bits digital minicomputer with two's complement arithmetic, a "decent" probation of RAM (about 32 KB) and for storage it will employ some sort of magnetic tapes. Lamps and switches, of course, and RS232 ports to communicate with "Terminals", that is PCs running Terminal emulation software such as Kermit or Hyper Terminal.

It will lack ROM memory. You will be able to turn the computer on without having to wait for the "boot up"; software will be entered from storage after had "typed" a little loader program by the mean of switches. I will really enjoy that part!

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