The Assembler is going well


The assembler is going well. So far it can complete the first pass (almost entirely) building the Symbols Table, checking for syntax mistakes, calculating labels etc. The #include mechanism works perfectly too. According to this experience, I think I can have it finished within a couple of weeks or so.

I'm writing this assembler using plain php statements instead of implementing a Computer Science algorithm which would be (not doubt) better; consequently, my assembler is not too elegant from inside. Moreover, if I wish to port it in the future so it can run on Heritage/1 itself, I would have to re-write it from scratch (in Heritage/1 assembly) since now I'm relying on PHP built-in functions and structures (such as associative arrays) that do a good part of the job on their own.

Hence H1ASM is not a program that I feel proud of, but only a tool that I wanted to build as quickly as possible. The assembly language being defined, however, is one that I really like, because it is both simple and comfortable... I think.

The idea behind this assembly language is to allow large code to be structured in a manageable way. For example I came with the idea of "variables" to compensate from the lack of macros, hoping to facilitate the production of reusable code, as explained in the Manual (see link below).

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