Instruction Classes

Heritage/1 instructions are divided into "classes". The instruction class is the 4-bits number given by the most significant nibble of the operational code.

Class numbers are not arbitrary but closely related to the way instructions are decoded by the CPU circuitry. So far classes 1 to 11 have been defined; classes 12 to 14 are reserved for future use and class 15 represents a "class extension".

Class 15 instructions utilizes the next nibble (D9-12) to hold the "subclass". Remaining bits are conveniently encoded for the best use of decoding circuitry.

Following is a list of Heritage/1 Instruction Classes.

Note: Even classes and even subclasses require an Operand Fetch cycle
      following the Operational Code Fetch Cycle.
1               .       mov  r,s        reg                        (ota=0  )
                        stox r,s        indirect                   (ota<>0 )
                        jpx  r          jmp indirect unc.          (ld=PC  )
                        jprx r          jmp relative indirect unc. (ld=1011)
2               x       mvi r, value    inmediate
                        sto r, addr     direct
                        jp  addr        jmp direct unc.
                        jpr offset      jmp relative direct unc.
3               .       ldx r,s         indirect
4               x       ld r, addr      direct
5               .       add a, r        ALU reg
6               x       adi a, value    ALU inmmediate
7               .       addx a, r       ALU indirect
8               x       addd a, addr    ALU direct
9               .       inc r           n/a
                        dec r
                        incm r,s
                        decm r,s
                        indec r,s
                        indec implicit
10              x       jnz  addr       jmp direct cond.
                        jnzr offset     jmp relative direct cond.
11              .       jnzx  r         jmp indirect cond.
                        jnzrx r         jmp relative indirect cond.

15      1       .       callx           call indirect
                        callrx          call relative indirect
15      2       x       call  addr      call direct
                        callr offset    call relative direct
15      3       .       ret             n/a
15      5       .       int vector      n/a
15      7       .       push r          stack
                        pop  r          stack
15      9       .       hlt             n/a
                        clrf            n/a
                        di              n/a
                        ei              n/a
                        dt              n/a
                        et              n/a

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