Addressing Modes

Register  : Data is contained in given register.
          : mov a, b       ; A=B

Immediate : Data if given in the word following the op. cod (operand).
          : movi  a, data  ; A=data

Direct    : Data is in the memory location which address is given in the word following the op. cod. (operand).
          : ld a, addr     ; A=[addr]

Indirect  : Data is in the memory location which address is contained in a register used as a pointer.
          : ldx a, d       ; A=[D]

Relative  : (Branch only). Jump to OFF_SET relative to current instruction address. The OFF_SET if given as an operand.
          : jnzr OFF_SET   ; PC=PC+OFF_SET

Relative Indirect: (Branch only). The OFF_SET is the content of given register.
          : jnzrx  d       ; PC=PC+d

Stack     : Data comes from the Stack which is always pointed by register SP.
          : pop a          ; A=[SP]; SP=SP-1

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