SubClass 011: Branching

    111 011 pq1 ccc    ; Conditional jump, call or return
    111 011 pq0 000    ; Unconditional jump, call or return        

        p=0 => jump
        p=1 => call
        q=1 => return

        ccc (condition) can be:       mnemonic
        000  flag Z=1; zero           jz addr   { or cz, or  rz }
        001  flag C=1; carry          jc addr   { similar to above   }
        010  flag N=1; negative       jn addr   ...
        011  flag V=1; overflow       jv addr
        100  flag Z=0; non zero       jnz addr
        101  flag C=0; non carry      jnc addr
        110  flag N=0; positive       jnn addr
        111  flag V=0; no overflow    jnv addr

        Mnemonics for unconditional branching are:

        jp   addr
        call addr

        Call instructions save registers PC, F and S to the stack before branching.
        Return instructions pops registers S, F and PC from the stack before branching back.


        Conditional branching is always immediate (address in second word operand).
        You can implement unconditional jump with other addressing modes by simply
        transferring an address to the PC, as in the following examples:

        ldr  PC, A    ; PC:=A, useful for computed branching.

        ldix PC, ptr  ; PC:=[IX + ptr ], say that 'ptr' is a pointer to function
                      ; stored as member of a structure being pointed by register IX.