Data Structures

The LCCP image occupies the first 4KB of LC-81 private memory (2000H-2fffH). LCCP variables are placed in the first portion of this space starting at 2000H with the interrupts table (INTTAB).

The stack pointer (SP) is initialized at the bottom of private memory (5fffH) and expected to grow up util a limit labeled HEAD_ROOM. Only one stack (pointed by SP) is used for both LCCP and applications code.

The space between HEAD_ROOM and the bottom of application code can be used for dynamic memory (HEAP) by applications, for which LCCP offers support through the MEMMAN service. The HEAP can expands to shared memory if present.

LCCP itself does not utilize dynamic memory; all its structures consists of fixed-size arrays.

Interrupts Table (INTTAB)

Restart Table (RSTTAB)

Services Table (SERTAB)

Devices Table (DEVTAB)

Global Variables