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Controlling the Tape Drive

Software controls the Tape Drive by writing the mode (4 least significant bits) to drive's register C, as following:

  Mode    Operation
  00H     STOP
  01H     RWD
  02H     FF
  07H     READ
  0bH     WRITE
  0fH     Make GAP

The drive executes the associated operation immediately after receiving the mode and remains in that state until a new mode is written to C, or the operation finished by its own which occurs when the tape reaches its end; when that happens, the drive changes automatically to mode STOP and writes 00H to register C. Current mode can also change if the Operator intervene performing a manual operation.

Every time the content of C changes (for whatever reason) an interrupt is asserted to the to EXT-BUS so appropriate actions can be taken by software. Software can also read the register C at any time to learn about current Mode and Status of the drive.

LC-81 Homebrew Minicomputer -- this software is based on Help Books running at melissa