CLASS #7: Class Extensions (SubClasses)

Class 7 instructions constitute class extensions (or SubClasses). The subclass number is given in bits b6-8 of the opcode, being b9-11 = 111.

    111 ppp --- ---        ; ppp is the "sub-class" number

Depending of the SubClass, the instruction is encoded as following:

SubClass 000: Control

111 000 000 000      halt              Halt the computer
111 000 000 001      di                Disable interrupts
111 000 000 010      dt                Disable trap
111 000 000 011      ?
111 000 000 1..         ?

111 000 001 000      ?                  
111 000 001 001      ei                Enable Interrupts
111 000 001 010      et                Enable trap
111 000 001 011         ?

111 000 01. ...      ?
111 000 10. ...      ?
111 000 11. ...      ?

subClass 001: Set Page or Channel

   111 001 0gg ggg    ; Set page ggggg       { setp page }
   111 001 10c ccc    ; Set channel cccc     { setch chn }

SubClass 010: ALU

   111 010 rr ffff  
   This instruction sets the ALU with the function 'ffff', then transfers register rr into A
   (if pertinent) to finally latch A with the result.

   Bits 'rr' are coded as following:

   rr  means:
   00  transfer from A
   01  transfer from B
   10  transfer from C
   11  ---lock ALU---

   The last (11) is a special case in which no result is obtained at that time. A second instruction
   is required to complete the operation. It works as following:

   If rr=11, 'ffff' is latched into register F, locking the ALU operation this way.

   The next instruction is expected to be a transfer to A. Since the ALU is locked with the
   function, the operation is effectively completed this time, obtaining the result in A.
   The ALU is automatically unlocked at the end of this second instruction.

   It follows from the above explanation that ALU instructions operates in two forms:
   DIRECT FORM (rr < 11):

      The operation is performed in that very instruction, but only registers A, B, C can be used
      as source for the operand.


         ADD  B     ; A:=A+B

   DELAYED FORM (rr = 11):
      The operation is locked and completed in a second instruction that can be any having register
      A as destination. This allows to perform ALU operation using any addressing mode available to
      register A.

         ADD  LOCK    ; Special assembly keyword 'LOCK' indicates DELAYED FORM
         LDD  A, addr ; A:=A+[addr]

      If the instruction following ADD LOCK is not a transfer to A, the operation is lost
      since 'ffff' is unlocked automatically at the end of the second instruction.

      This perhaps inconvenient implementation of ALU instructions can be camouflaged in Assembly
      language with pseudo-instructions. The Assembler would insert the second transfer instruction
      as appropriate.

      Examples of pseudo-instructions:

         ADDX B      ; A:=A + [B]
         ADDI value  ; A:=A + value

   ALU function (ffff) encodes as following

   ffff    Meaning
   0000 => pass through
   (pending design)

SubClass 011: Branching

    111 011 pq1 ccc    ; Conditional jump, call or return
    111 011 pq0 000    ; Unconditional jump, call or return        

        p=0 => jump
        p=1 => call
        q=1 => return

        ccc (condition) can be:       mnemonic
        000  flag Z=1; zero           jz addr   { or cz, or  rz }
        001  flag C=1; carry          jc addr   { similar to above   }
        010  flag N=1; negative       jn addr   ...
        011  flag V=1; overflow       jv addr
        100  flag Z=0; non zero       jnz addr
        101  flag C=0; non carry      jnc addr
        110  flag N=0; positive       jnn addr
        111  flag V=0; no overflow    jnv addr

        Mnemonics for unconditional branching are:

        jp   addr
        call addr

        Call instructions save registers PC, F and S to the stack before branching.
        Return instructions pops registers S, F and PC from the stack before branching back.


        Conditional branching is always immediate (address in second word operand).
        You can implement unconditional jump with other addressing modes by simply
        transferring an address to the PC, as in the following examples:

        ldr  PC, A    ; PC:=A, useful for computed branching.

        ldix PC, ptr  ; PC:=[IX + ptr ], say that 'ptr' is a pointer to function
                      ; stored as member of a structure being pointed by register IX.

SubClass 100: Stack

    111 100 000 rrr    ; { push r }

       SP is decremented before transferring [SP]:=rrr

    111 100 100 rrr    ; { pop r }

       SP is incremented after transferring rrr:=[SP]

Subclass 101: Increment / Decrement

    111 101 00p rrr

        p=0 => register rrr is decremented  { dec r }  
        p=1 => register rrr is incremented  { inc r }

SubClass 110, 111: Call Page Zero

      111 11a aaa aaa

This instruction calls a subroutine which address is a pointer in Page Zero.


      callz 21; --> 111 110 010 001  (21 is Octal).

The content of memory cell at address 0021 is a pointer to the actual routine being called. Before passing control to the subroutine, the instruction pushes registers PC, F, S to the stack.

Notice that the first 16 addresses of Page Zero are meant to content pointers to hardware interrupts routines, following by a pointer to the Trap routine (address 20 octal). The instruction callz instruction is kind of "Software Interrupts". Address 21 (octal) is a good place for the first of such software interrupt routines.

Also notice that we can use callz to simulate a hardware interrupt by just calling an existing ISR.