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Branch Content


Branches can be Unconditional or Conditional. They can also be Direct, Indirect, Relative or Relative Indirect.

Direct Branches (Class 2 branches)

Since "JP addr" is equivalent to: "MVI PC, addr", the unconditional jump instruction "JP addr" gets naturally encoded as a Class 2 instruction (Immediate transfers) as following:

[2][0][OR][PC], addr       0x2031  

For Conditional Branches, the condition is encoded in the OTA field as following:

[2][OTA][OR][PC], addr     Example: JNZ 0x03FF ; 0x2231, 0x03ff

OTA     Condition       Remarks
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1       Zero            F0 = 1
2       Not Zero        F0 = 0
3       Negative        F1 = 1
4       Not Negative    F1 = 0
5       Carry           F2 = 1
6       Not Carry       F2 = 0
7       Overflow        F3 = 1
8       Not Overflow    F3 = 0
9       (Reserved)      F4 = 1
10      (Reserved)      F4 = 0
11      (Reserved)      F5 = 1
12      (Reserved)      F5 = 0
13      (Reserved)      F6 = 1
14      (Reserved)      F6 = 0
15      (Reserved)      F7 = 1

Note that the condition "OTA not equal to zero" could be confusing for the Class 2 decoding circuitry since it could either represents an immediate ALU instruction or a conditional branch. The circuit resolves the conflict by looking at the LD field: if LD=1 (PC) then it is a conditional branch instruction; otherwise it is an immediate ALU instruction.

Conditions 9-15 are "reserved" in the sense that no hardware circuit will set those flags for now. However, Class 2 instructions decoder circuitry is wired to cause actual jumps; for instance, the operational code "0x2a31, 0x3ff" will cause a jump to 0x3ff since F4 is zero after reset.

Indirect Branches (Class 1 branches)

These are jump instructions using an indirect address provided by any of the general purpose registers B, C, D or E. Unconditional indirect jump instructions get naturally encoded as a Class 1 instructions:

[1][0][p][PC]                Example:  JPX   E    ;  0x1081

For conditional jumps, the jump condition is coded in the OTA field:

[1][condition][p][PC]        Example:  JNZX   E   ; 0x1281

Relative Branches (Class 5)

The operand off-set, which is a signed 16-bits number, is added to the current PC content to cause a branch relative to the address of the current instruction. This will make easier for an Operating System to allocate programs anywhere in memory since they won't point to absolute memory addresses. Notice, however, that this off-set is limited to the range:    -32,768 to +32,767.

[5][0][OR][PC], off-set               Example: JPR   0x8   ; 0x5031, 0x0008
[5][condition][OR][PC], off-set       Example: JNZR  0x8   ; 0x5231, 0x0008  

Relative Indirect Branches (Class 6)

Same as relative but using a general purpose register as a pointer (p).

[6][0][p][PC]               Example: JPRX   E   ; 0x6081
[6][condition][p][PC]       Example: JNZRX  E   ; 0x6281

Call instructions

Call instructions are special because they require more than four cycles to execute since PC and F need to be saved to the Stack before branching; however, these long sequences are built from the same ET0, ET1 signals provided by the "Time Counter" (T-Counter).

Call instructions are always unconditional. They can be Direct, Indirect, Relative or Relative Indirect.

Direct Calls (Class 10)

The branch address is read into OR during the Fetch cycle.

[10][0][0R][PC], addr        Example: CALL  0x03ff   ; 0xa031, 0x03ff

Relative Calls (Class 11)

[11][0][0R][PC], off-set        Example: CALLR  0x08   ; 0xb031, 0x08

Indirect and Relative Indirect Calls (Class 12)

These two addressing modes for CALL instructions are grouped together in Class 12 since they don't require an operand to be fetched. Field OTA indicates the addressing mode as following:

0: Indirect
1: Relative Indirect

The branch address is given by a general purpose register used as a pointer (p).

[12][0][p][PC]        Example: CALLX  d   ; 0xc071
[12][1][p][PC]                 CALLRX d   ; 0xc171

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